Wednesday, October 21, 2009
We are back!
Well it has been about a year since our last post and unfortunately prior engagements have kept us from being able to update as much as desired. In the future we intend to update at least once per month. This is our goal. With Halloween around the corner, many people are starting to rekindle their annual interest in all things paranormal. Hopefully we can oblige... stay tuned for a special Halloween update.
ghost hunting,
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Rugaroo
Though lore of this creature has been spread throughout both French and Native American lore, the Rugaroo (sometimes spelled Roogaroo, Rougarou, Roux-Ga-Roux, Rugaru, or Ruggaroo) is our next peek into some of the Native American culture and legends.
Versions of the Rugaroo vary from something similar to a mild Bigfoot-type creatures to cannibalistic Native American Wendigos. Some dispute the connection between Native American folktales and the francophone Rugaru. (2)
Just as the Wendigo is part of the traditional belief systems of various Algonquian-speaking tribes in the northern US and Canada, the Rugaroo is an extremely similar tale of metamorphosis triggered the cannibalism among the Ojibwe and Chippewa. As is the norm with legends transmitted by oral tradition, stories often contradict one another. The stories of the Wendigo vary by tribe and region, but the most common cause of the change is typically related to cannibalism. (2) A modified example, not in the original wendigo legends, is that of a motif of harmful sensation story—if a person sees a rugaru, that person will be transformed into one.
Author Peter Matthiessen argues that the rugaru is a separate legend from that of the cannibal-like giant Wendigo. While the Wendigo is feared, he notes that the Rugaroo is seen as sacred and in tune with Mother Earth, somewhat like Bigfoot legends are today. (3)
It is important to note that rugaru is not a native Ojibwa word, nor is it derived from the languages of neighboring Native American peoples. However, it has a striking similarity to the French word for werewolf, loup garou. (2) Aka: the werewolf. But the Native American lore suggests that unlike the Loup Garou (who are limited to the form of a wolf and in some lore more are specifically triggered by full moons with limited or uncontrolled shifting), a Rugaroo can take on any animal form and can shapeshift at any time, multiple times. (1)
1. Associated content : L. Lee Scott
2. Wikipedia: Rougarou
3. Peter Matthiessen
Versions of the Rugaroo vary from something similar to a mild Bigfoot-type creatures to cannibalistic Native American Wendigos. Some dispute the connection between Native American folktales and the francophone Rugaru. (2)
Just as the Wendigo is part of the traditional belief systems of various Algonquian-speaking tribes in the northern US and Canada, the Rugaroo is an extremely similar tale of metamorphosis triggered the cannibalism among the Ojibwe and Chippewa. As is the norm with legends transmitted by oral tradition, stories often contradict one another. The stories of the Wendigo vary by tribe and region, but the most common cause of the change is typically related to cannibalism. (2) A modified example, not in the original wendigo legends, is that of a motif of harmful sensation story—if a person sees a rugaru, that person will be transformed into one.
Author Peter Matthiessen argues that the rugaru is a separate legend from that of the cannibal-like giant Wendigo. While the Wendigo is feared, he notes that the Rugaroo is seen as sacred and in tune with Mother Earth, somewhat like Bigfoot legends are today. (3)
It is important to note that rugaru is not a native Ojibwa word, nor is it derived from the languages of neighboring Native American peoples. However, it has a striking similarity to the French word for werewolf, loup garou. (2) Aka: the werewolf. But the Native American lore suggests that unlike the Loup Garou (who are limited to the form of a wolf and in some lore more are specifically triggered by full moons with limited or uncontrolled shifting), a Rugaroo can take on any animal form and can shapeshift at any time, multiple times. (1)
1. Associated content : L. Lee Scott
2. Wikipedia: Rougarou
3. Peter Matthiessen
native american,
paranormal unknown,
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Stonehenge News

Researchers are convinced the stone chips are evidence of belief in the healing power of the "bluestones" brought 150 miles from south Wales, which endured long after the monument was thought to have been abandoned. The magical bluestone, spotted dolerite which when newly quarried is a dark blue speckled with brilliant white stars of quartz, made Stonehenge into the Lourdes of prehistoric Europe, they believe, or as Darvill put it yesterday, "the accident and emergency unit of southern England".
Researchers also divulged that the earliest charcoal now found at the site has been dated to 7,000BC, and the most recent to medieval times, suggesting that the site was already important 4,000 years before the oldest stone circle, and continued to draw visitors for centuries after it was believed to have been abandoned.
For more information on the newest Stonehenge findings, bluestones, and stone circles, keep posted.
ancient world,
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Bigfoot Lost.
The previously mentioned claims of an actual Bigfoot carcass (Here) were called out by many, and have now been found to be a hoax. Big surprise there. The alleged claims, of both carcass and DNA, appear to have been forged. At least, that is the official story.
Underground sources suggest that the authenticity of this corpse was legitimate, but do to mass skepticism and the discrediting discovering parties, the claims were dismissed. They were said the be covered up by an organization called the "Brotherhood of Bigfoot Protectors". More on the actuality of a cover-up will be given later, I am sure, but until then, we shall stick to the basic strategy and generation of this hoax.
Most sources are claiming that the frozen carcass of bigfoot, see here, is actually an alteration of the internet-born costume, seen here. It appeasrs that the origin of this costume has not been confirmed, however. According to CNN, the hoax was discovered after an "expedited melting process," Kulls wrote. "A break appeared up near the feet area ... as the team and I began examining this area near the feet, I observed the foot which looked unnatural, reached in and confirmed it was a rubber foot." (1) Later that day, Tom Biscardi informed them that both Matthew Whitton and Ricky Dyer admitted it was a costume.
Costume picture from:
Carcass picture from:
Underground sources suggest that the authenticity of this corpse was legitimate, but do to mass skepticism and the discrediting discovering parties, the claims were dismissed. They were said the be covered up by an organization called the "Brotherhood of Bigfoot Protectors". More on the actuality of a cover-up will be given later, I am sure, but until then, we shall stick to the basic strategy and generation of this hoax.
Most sources are claiming that the frozen carcass of bigfoot, see here, is actually an alteration of the internet-born costume, seen here. It appeasrs that the origin of this costume has not been confirmed, however. According to CNN, the hoax was discovered after an "expedited melting process," Kulls wrote. "A break appeared up near the feet area ... as the team and I began examining this area near the feet, I observed the foot which looked unnatural, reached in and confirmed it was a rubber foot." (1) Later that day, Tom Biscardi informed them that both Matthew Whitton and Ricky Dyer admitted it was a costume.
Costume picture from:
Carcass picture from:
body proof,
brotherhood of bigfoot protection,
Matthew Whitton,
Ricky Dyer,
Tom Biscardi,
weird travel,
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Bigfoot Found?

Similar to the above, there is an alleged photo of a Bigfoot carcass about to be releases by three men in the US. They claim that this discovery is providing undeniable proof of the creatures existence, even now with pending DNA results. (More about Bigfoot here) This now frozen carcass has been well described in the press-release: Male, 7'7'' high, +500lbs, reddish hair, blackish-grey eyes, human-like teeth, its footprint is sixteen and three-quarters inches long and five and three-quarters inches wide at the heel. (3)
Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, Georgia residents who lead Bigfoot-tracking expeditions, say they found the body of what appears to be a Bigfoot in the woods of northern Georgia and will join local Bigfoot researcher Tom Biscardi at the news conference, according to Robert Barrows, who is publicizing the event. The three men plan to release a photo of their Bigfoot and what they claim is DNA evidence at a news conference in Palo Alto on August 15th. (2)
DNA evidence and photo evidence of the creature will be presented in a press conference on Friday, August 15th from 12 Noon to 1:00pm at the Cabana Hotel-Palo Alto at 4290 El Camino Real in Palo Alto, California, 94306. The press conference will not be open to the public. It will only be open to credentialed members of the press.
Whitton, a police officer in Clayton County, and Dyer, a former correctional officer, are not saying exactly where the body was found or where it is now. Biscardi, a veteran Bigfoot tracker who went to Georgia to view the find over the weekend, said that DNA tests are being conducted and a team of scientists will study the body, but declined to name any scientists involved. (1)
Officials from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division said the largest wildlife they are aware of in the state are black bears and white-tail deer.
Deer. Sure.
1. Source 1
2. Source 2
3. Source 3
Photo From: Cryptomundo
abominable snowman,
body proof,
skunk ape,
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Ghost Hunting / Paranormal Investigation
What is it?
The term ghost hunt is used when going to a place were there have been no sightings of ghosts and trying to catch some on film, sounds, eyewitness, etc. and trying literally hunting for paranormal activity. The term is often misconstrued as sharing the same definition as ghost investigation, or paranormal investigation, which means going to a known haunted place and recording data, research, interviews, and other evidence to prove or disprove the authenticity of the haunt and to help the owners assist the dead in passing on. This assistance is either provided directly from the investigating party, or by getting the owner in contact with someone who can help them through their situation and let them know their options.
Who can do it?
Technically speaking, almost anyone can do it if they can keep their emotions in check and follow basic protocol, as well as the ability to do proper research while continuing to approach the investigation in a purely skeptical and scientific manner. If you're looking into conducting independent investigations, we suggest you go here.
Though we at ParanormalUnknown try to encourage new people to get active with the paranormal or paranormal investigation, we suggest that you stick with what you know or people who know what you don't. If you are not experienced in Ghost Hunting, we recommend that you find an established group or society in your area, and tag along until you are familiar with the profession. For some tips on proper protocol, go to Ghost hunting Tips.
What will be encountered?
There are two kinds of entities you will encounter: human or non-human. The bulk of most encounters will be that of either human entities or residual haunts. Though the chances are small that you will ever likely encounter one, non-human entities are nothing to betaken lightly. Unlike human entities such as intelligent haunts, non-human entities are usually hostile and have been known to attempt possession upon occasion. Always stay aware of your surroundings; keep a sharp eye out, and always protect yourself. For more information on hauntings and types of haunts, refer to: Hauntings 101
What kind of Equipment?
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Cellular phone (with confirmed signal) or walkie-talkies (to keep in touch with each other)
- First Aid kit
- Watch (preferably digital)
- Weather appropriate clothing (no strings or toggles on jackets)
- 35mm Camera (needs at least 400 speed film, and can be a single use camera)
- Digital camera (at least 6.0 pixels and infrared)
- Notebook(s) and pencil(s)
Optional / Advanced:
- Digital Video Camera (tripod optional)
- Tape Recorder (with extended microphone and highgrade tapes)
- Digital Audio Recorders
- EMF Detector
- A Compass (same principal as EMF)
- Motion Detectors
- Thermometer
- Thermal Scanner
...other equipment can be useful, but these are just some suggestions.
Please keep in mind that this is a bried overview and is not official. We at ParanormalUnknown do not take responsibility for acts as a result of reading this blog. Other information such a specific procedures and and data recording tips, check out the sources below.
The term ghost hunt is used when going to a place were there have been no sightings of ghosts and trying to catch some on film, sounds, eyewitness, etc. and trying literally hunting for paranormal activity. The term is often misconstrued as sharing the same definition as ghost investigation, or paranormal investigation, which means going to a known haunted place and recording data, research, interviews, and other evidence to prove or disprove the authenticity of the haunt and to help the owners assist the dead in passing on. This assistance is either provided directly from the investigating party, or by getting the owner in contact with someone who can help them through their situation and let them know their options.
Who can do it?
Technically speaking, almost anyone can do it if they can keep their emotions in check and follow basic protocol, as well as the ability to do proper research while continuing to approach the investigation in a purely skeptical and scientific manner. If you're looking into conducting independent investigations, we suggest you go here.
Though we at ParanormalUnknown try to encourage new people to get active with the paranormal or paranormal investigation, we suggest that you stick with what you know or people who know what you don't. If you are not experienced in Ghost Hunting, we recommend that you find an established group or society in your area, and tag along until you are familiar with the profession. For some tips on proper protocol, go to Ghost hunting Tips.
What will be encountered?
There are two kinds of entities you will encounter: human or non-human. The bulk of most encounters will be that of either human entities or residual haunts. Though the chances are small that you will ever likely encounter one, non-human entities are nothing to betaken lightly. Unlike human entities such as intelligent haunts, non-human entities are usually hostile and have been known to attempt possession upon occasion. Always stay aware of your surroundings; keep a sharp eye out, and always protect yourself. For more information on hauntings and types of haunts, refer to: Hauntings 101
What kind of Equipment?
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Cellular phone (with confirmed signal) or walkie-talkies (to keep in touch with each other)
- First Aid kit
- Watch (preferably digital)
- Weather appropriate clothing (no strings or toggles on jackets)
- 35mm Camera (needs at least 400 speed film, and can be a single use camera)
- Digital camera (at least 6.0 pixels and infrared)
- Notebook(s) and pencil(s)
Optional / Advanced:
- Digital Video Camera (tripod optional)
- Tape Recorder (with extended microphone and highgrade tapes)
- Digital Audio Recorders
- EMF Detector
- A Compass (same principal as EMF)
- Motion Detectors
- Thermometer
- Thermal Scanner
...other equipment can be useful, but these are just some suggestions.
Please keep in mind that this is a bried overview and is not official. We at ParanormalUnknown do not take responsibility for acts as a result of reading this blog. Other information such a specific procedures and and data recording tips, check out the sources below.
Cryptozoology is defined as the study of evidence concerning creatures whose existence is uncertain. It is a profession regarded with mixed emotions among experts, but to some it is a very serious profession.
ParanormalUnknown's Creature Feature:
(Creatures previously covered in blog entries)
- Bigfoot
- Mongolian Death Worms
- Wendigos
- Rugaroos
- Flying Humanoids
Cryptozoology Sources:
Keep checking the most recent updates and resources on Cryptozoology!
ParanormalUnknown's Creature Feature:
(Creatures previously covered in blog entries)
- Bigfoot
- Mongolian Death Worms
- Wendigos
- Rugaroos
- Flying Humanoids
Cryptozoology Sources:
Keep checking the most recent updates and resources on Cryptozoology!
hairy creature,
Intestine Worm,
Mongolian Death Worm,
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