I am, of course, making reference to the fairly recent release (if that's what you can call it) of the "Denver UFO Video", being hyped and promoted by alien lovers everywhere. The video that is said to break the government hold on the truth about aliens and to once and for all clear the air of mystery surrounding ET.

The video, revealed on Friday May 30th to a select number of local (Denver-area) reporters, supposedly contains footage of an authenticated alien sighting. A real, honest-to-goodness, breathing, blinking, living alien... or so they say. Not only that, but he won't be releasing it online, or allowing anyone to rebroadcast it. The people who get to see it are only allowed to write about it, no pictures other than the above are allowed.
Jeff Peckman, proposer of a ballot initiative to create an Extra Terrestrial Affairs Commision in Denver, jumped on the wagon early with the discovery of this footage as a means to promote his cause. An instructor at the Colorado Film School in Denver carefully scrutinized the video and reportedly validated its authenticity. However, I remain skeptical, and I am not alone.
Sadly the general public will have to wait to see it because it's being included in a documentary by Stan Romanek. How convenient.
I think it's time some long-lost cousin needs to get a hold of the footage and throw it up on Youtube so that people could judge for themselves. I don't think it's right that they include it in a documentary without a basic reaction to it. I mean... the documentary could make all the claims in the world, and it will have an affect on the perception of this footage, which I do not agree with.
Anyhow... the video has a mildly humorous story behind it. I mean, when aliens announce their presence you'd think that they would have a bit more tact than this...
You see, apparently the man who taped the Alien set up the hidden camera as a way to catch who he thought were peeping tom's spying on his teenage girls, when he played the tape back, he was shocked to find that there were no peeping tom's, but there were aliens. heh. I'm sorry, but the scenerio just sounds too coincidental to have any real merit to me. This random Colorado man just happens to find an excuse to randomly videotape a window in his home (which is not a regular thing) and the exact same night that he does a real life alien just happens to come over for a looksy? I think not. This is just too convenient for me. Either way, the only way anyone is going to see this puppy is to be in the immediate family, part of the documentary group, or be a chosen media affiliate. This really is rediculous.
Now, on to my personal views on this...
Look... I think that aliens exist. I mean, to believe we Humans are the only intelligent entities in the entirety of our endless, constantly expanding, universe is impractical. However, I think that people need to take a step back and analyze things before jumping to conclusions, or randomly becoming obsessed with Ufology because they swear their brother's girlfriend is ET. I think that UFO's are real and that there have been true encounters; but as with anything, there are copycats and false accusations and/or reports. A LOT. People striving to become famous, needed, or who just don't want to feel alone anymore as they spend another cold night jacking off to whatever black-label porn they've selected. It's idiots like that who have created the lack of genuine belief in the possibility of the paranormal in general, not just UFO's or aliens.
As far as this whole video is concerned... I say that if you are going to attempt to be a spokesperson for alien awareness, ad I will call it... then you need to get some kind of credibility. To talk about war, politics, health, or even fashion., people need credibility... why is it so different to require it when it some to Ufology? It's not. The proposed documentary probably has various avenues of credible sources, but if it is a real video of an alien, it should be open to the public... people should be able to freely access it. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION!
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