Monday, June 16, 2008

Genetic Material on Meteor

"Scientists have confirmed for the first time that an important component of early genetic material which has been found in meteorite fragments is extraterrestrial in origin, in a paper published on 15 June 2008." (2)
Genetic material was found in rock fragments of the 39 year old Murchison meteor, which crash landed into Australia in 1969.
Apparently said genetic materials they have found include the molecules uracil and xanthine, is are what scientists refer to as nucleobases, the genetic precursors to molecules that form RNA and DNA. Xanthine is not directly part of RNA or DNA, but participates in a series of chemical reactions inside the RNA of cells. (2,3)
Some cried contamination, due to age and the obvious consequences of impact, but scientists have tested the meteorite material and found that the nucleobases contained heavy forms of carbon that could only be formed in space because materials formed on Earth consist of a lighter variety of carbon.
Many scientists are using this discovery as an example of how genetic material made its way to earth all those years ago to form the great green goop that eventually evolved into humans. They say that a similar meteor brought said genetic materials, and so the required chain of events was put into motion to nurture evolution.
"We believe early life may have adopted nucleobases from meteoritic fragments for use in genetic coding which enabled them to pass on their successful features to subsequent generations." said Lead author Dr Zita Martins, of the Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London.
First off, I know that this is not exactly "paranormal" new... but so many people are crying that this is proof of ET that I felt it deserved a mention. If for no other reason than because it's interesting.
Second off, I think that it is interesting how many people have never looked into this until now. It took 39 years for someone to come up with the random idea of "oh, I think I'll do some meteorite tests today", and then they find something good and it's a national uprising. I think this should have been brough tto our attention far earlier than now. I would love to cry propaganda, but it is not from an American or EU source (though a few of the scientists who worked on it were from both), I I have no real base to do so. Sadly I must admit that my entire opinion could be rather shadowed on this matter because I believe macro-evolution to be a load of crap. I do believe in micro-evolution, but that's an entirely different story. Thus I will refrain from releasing my entire opinion to you until a later point in time. I believe in letting you make up your own mind and opinions before I rain in my opinion on such a matter so that I am not making it up for you.

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